Russian election interference

Facebook has reportedly upped its estimate of how much content was produced by Russian-backed actors during the election and how widely that content was seen. According to prepared remarks due…

Russian-backed content may have reached 126 million on Facebook

A new bipartisan bill known as the Honest Ads Act is the first major attempt to regulate online platforms that sell ads with rules akin to those that apply to…

Bipartisan bill seeks to regulate political ads on Facebook, Twitter and Google

“I make money from Facebook for my fake content in order to pay Facebook to promote my fake stories,” said Professor Chaos in one of the most brutal and succinct…

South Park slams Facebook for selling fake news

If the Russian-bought election interference ads hadn’t been bought by fraudulent accounts, “Most of them would be allowed to run” Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said this morning. “The responsibility of…

The trouble with Sandberg saying Facebook allows fake news ads

After its Senate counterpart made clear that it had no intention of doing so, the House Intelligence Committee announced that it plans to publish the Russian-bought Facebook ads that the company…

After Sandberg chat, House intel plans to release Russian-bought Facebook ads to the public

“I am seeing a ton of coverage of our recent issues driven by stereotypes of our employees and attacks against fantasy, strawman tech cos” wrote Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex…

Facebook security chief rants about misguided “algorithm” backlash

In an update on the progress of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Senate Intelligence Committee weighed in on recent revelations that have implicated major…

Senate Intel committee calls on Facebook to release Russian ads

Facebook today handed over to congressional investigators 3,000 ads that were bought by a Russian company to influence U.S. politics. “Many appear to exploit racial and social divisions and exploit…

Facebook will hire 1,000 and make ads visible to fight election interference

Facebook will release over 3,000 ads bought by a Russian entity to interfere in U.S. politics and the 2016 presidential election with congressional investigators tomorrow morning at 8am Pacific, a…

Facebook will share Russian-bought election interference ads with Congress tomorrow

“For the ways my work was used to divide people rather than bring us together, I ask forgiveness and I will work to do better” Mark Zuckerberg posted to Facebook…

Zuckerberg asks forgiveness, but Facebook needs change

Trump may have found a way to tie Facebook’s hands as it investigates Russian interference into the election. Without citing any evidence or even a reason, Donald Trump today declared…

Trump calls Facebook ‘anti-Trump’ so it goes soft on him