
Remember the Phantom gaming console saga? You know the gaming system that promised the world and eventually turned into vapor besides the clever lapboard? Well, the company is still around…

Listen, I understand people will pay good money for quality and exclusive items, but is this really worth $70?

Phantom Entertainment (formally Infinium Labs) worked so hard to create the ultimate gaming console, but after lots of false starts, the company’s console slipped into vaporware. Most companies would have…


Phantom Lapboard reviewed

12:58 pm PDT • April 27, 2008 Some men spend their lives tending to the lame and halt. Some men run businesses that span the globe. Other men, namely me, follow Phantom Labs with the intensity…

The ghost of Ponzi schemes past. I was doing a bit of research for the NYT on the Phantom Lapboard and I remembered that Alienware was supposed to carry it…


Phantom Slips Yet Again

2:12 pm PST • November 8, 2006

Just when things looked like they might be perking up slightly for vapor-friendly Phantom, it went and announced that shipping of its much touted lapboard has been delayed. You’ll remember…

A CG fan Matt tipped me off to his interesting new work set-up consisting of a phat Alienware Entertainment Center – surround sound out, digital video, and a little glowing…