
Sorta like this, but not really because iRobot still doesn’t have the proper photos up yet IRobot has a couple of new Roombas for you pet owners. Two, to be…


Giro Sponge sops up plaque

5:10 pm PDT • August 14, 2008

Fabio Dabori, an industrial designer based in Brazil has softened up the toothbrush game with his new toothbrush concept, Giro Sponge. The powered toothbrush is takes the concept of using…

The University of London is currently testing software that takes sound waves and turns them into visual representations. The software is called Lumisonic, and is designed to help the deaf…

From the “Third Variable” department: Researchers at my alma mater, UCLA, have conducted a study that shows a strong correllation between cell phone use by a parent (pre- and post-natal)…

A very thorough study (of 21 people) in Sweden found that people who use their cell phones excessively can be prone to sleep problems, fatigue, and stress, which can lead…

Those rumors of Steve Jobs being in ill health aren’t doing the company any favors. Apple’s stock dropped some 11 percent overnight, despite the fact that the company pulled in…

Oh, EA. Do you even have a public relations company, or someone to put your statements through a “common sense” filter? The Byron Report in the UK recommended an overhaul…

Internet addiction is real, is a clinical disorder and should be recognized by the community as such. So says a a prominent psychiatrist in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The…

Flickr’d “Talking, texting or playing games,” for six hours a day. Does that sound like addiction to you? Well, apparently it is. Two kids in Spain, aged 12 and 13,…


Oh Puh-lease: Steve Jobs is too skinny now?

11:30 am PDT • June 11, 2008

There have been some murmurs going ‘round the interconnected web-like network of worldwide computers that Steve Jobs looked a little too skinny on Monday, and that he might be sick.…

Look at this watch. Biggs sees it, and drools just a little; he drools a lot, though, so it might be unrelated. Known as “Vibering,” it’s a watch designed for…

Sure, we all get a laugh at someone else’s expense when watching taser videos on YouTube, but did you know that the device may affect your heartbeat? That’s not cool,…

A new study has found links between cellphone use during pregnancy and behavioral problems in children later in life. Just the type of news the cellphone industry wants to hear,…

Did you know that there’s 250 million people around the world who are hearing-impaired? Even worse, two-thirds of them live in the developing world. Odds are, these people don’t have…

There’s an experimental necklace developed by the Georgia Institute of Technology that reminds you to take your medicine. Users must first ingest a special pill, along with your other pills,…

A little meta for my tastes, but today’s Old Gray Lady has an article explaining how blogging will slowly kill all us bloggers. While I’m sure some of you would…

[photopress:calmdownuk.jpg,full,right] A little present showed up in my iTunes Podcast section a few minutes ago. The Game Theory podcast interviewed Dr. Tanya Byron, who’s recommendation to restrict the sale of…

[photopress:healthwarningvgs.jpg,full,center] As we all know, violent video games like “Grand Theft Auto IV” turns children into trained, merciless killers like the guy from “No Country for Old Men.” It’s such…

[photopress:pmphearing.jpg,full,center] Teens don’t give a damn about losing their hearing as a result of listening to their portable media player too loudly. That’s the conclusion of a Dutch study published…

[photopress:appletoxicten.jpg,full,center] Apple hates the environment? Condé Nast seems to think so, placing the company on its “10 Worst Corporate Polluters” list. Interesting, then, that Condé Nast accepted Apple’s cash, despite…

[photopress:badmilk.jpg,full,right] Scientists have developed a system that detects whether or not milk has gone sour. The system’s made up of two parts, a small metal ribbon that’s placed inside milk…

[photopress:lasershealth.jpg,full,right] You know how much I like tech with a purpose that’s something other than more and more megawidgets or terabloops. Hence, a line or two on this laser than…

[photopress:smoker_bell.jpg,full,center] Few things annoy me more than coming home from bar or club or whatever and having the smell of smoke on my clothes. (Walking behind a smoker on a…


Ne pas utilser votre mobile

1:30 pm PST • January 3, 2008

France has warned its citizens that since the effects of long-term cellphone use aren’t known yet, precaution must be taken, especially with children. In no way is France saying “stop…

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom wants to add an extra fee to the sale of drinks containing high-fructose corn syrup in a two-fold effort to fight fat and help fund…


Laser developed to fight viruses

8:59 pm PST • November 8, 2007

Physics professor K.T. Tsen announced last week that he successfully destroyed common viruses using pluses from an infared laser without harming the surrounding cells. Tsen’s primary focus is to use…

Before you immediately discount this next post—a post about sneakers—hear me out. Nike, for the first time in its history, has designed a sneaker for a specific ethnic group. For…