generative ai ethics

U.K.-based startup Yepic AI claims to use “deepfakes for good” and promises to “never reenact someone without their consent.” But the company did exactly what it claimed it never would.…

Yepic fail: This startup promised not to make deepfakes without consent, but did anyway

Some onus lies on investors to make sure these new technologies are being built by founders with ethics in mind.

Four investors explain why AI ethics can’t be an afterthought

Featured Article

Glaze protects art from prying AIs

The asymmetry in time and effort it takes human artists to produce original art vs the speed generative AI models can now get the task done is one of the reasons why Glaze, an academic research project out of the University of Chicago, looks so interesting. It’s just launched a free (non-commercial) app for artists…

11:15 am PDT • March 17, 2023
Glaze protects art from prying AIs