
To jailbreak your 1.1.1 firmware iPhone or Touch, begin by gathering the following tools: A screwdriver A putty knife That blue stuff barbers put their combs in Pop Rocks A…

If you’re planning on upgrading your 1.0.2 iPhone to 1.1.1, use the iNdependence method found in the program’s help file. Compared to the tortured, laborious process I had to go…

Another day, another iPhone hack. This one returns your iPhone to its pristine, pre-1.1.1/AnySIM/hacked state, allowing you to upgrade slowly and methodically to 1.1.1 and unlock your iPhone sans drama.…

I don’t know what happened, but on or around last Wednesday afternoon my iPhone got sick and hiccuped up in the 1.1.1 firmware. Here’s what happened. I installed 1.1.1…

If you’re planning on buying a new iPhone, feel free to update to 1.1.1. You can do the anti-AT&T nasty all by your lonesome thanks to a new version of…

Why did Washington cross the Rhine? Why did some guys climb Mount Hood? Why did the chicken cross the road? Because they were there. And guess what, true believers… iPhone…

Another day, another step closer to jailbreak. It seems Erica and the iPhone rangers have been tearing 1.1.1 a new orifice and successfully installed third-party apps onto the new firmware.…


iPhone update 1.1.1: the aftermath

10:48 am PDT • September 28, 2007

And so it begins. After Apple released the iPhone 1.1.1 Update yesterday, there are conflicting reports of seamless activations and happy customers mixed in with cries of anguish from AT&T…

I’m a Digital Life right now so I can’t test my hacked, smacked, and cracked iPhone, but Gizmodo has a great thread about the iPhone unlock and the vagaries of…