Talk about sinking to a new low. It seems that Comcast and perhaps other ISPs are blocking access to the notorious torrent site, ThePirateBay.org. The word comes from TorrentFreak who…

Last December the FCC approved its “Preserving the Open Internet” regulation to ban blocking of websites or web services by broadband providers, while being equally vague about what the new…

Oh, here comes controversy. The FCC has preliminarily approved the use of mobile phone signal boosters, but let’s say it’s only put one foot in the water. A 55-page notice…

Looks like the FCC just tipped another product before its official announcement. The Dell Panerai seems to be from the same cloth as the Inspiron Duo convertible netbook although just…

It’s illegal to own or operate a GPS jammer in the United States for many valid reasons. More importantly, it threatens many systems us humans find relevant. If GPS goes…

Not much here to note but this FCC filing shows that the Blackberry Playbook has pushed through another hurdle towards reality. The filing shows the capacaties – 16, 32, and…

Back to the drawing board. The House of Representatives struck a mighty blow against Net Neutrality yesterday, with the communications and technology subcommittee voting against the recently adopted Net Neutrality…

The FCC are currently investigating Verizon’s “mass call event” problems related to recent snow storms in DC and Maryland. The carrier failed to patch through multiple 911 calls during recent…

The Republican Party has a bone to pick with the Federal Communications Commission, and you’ll never guess why. Oh, wait, yes you will. Predictably, several Republican congressmen have come out…

Who saw this coming? (Oh, right: everyone.) Verizon has taken umbrage with certain aspects of Net Neutrality, and has taken the rather predictable tract of challenging the FCC’s authority in…

Not only does LittleBigPlanet 2 come out today, but the FCC pproved the merger between Comcast and NBC Universal. Will the two companies use their combined powers for good and…


Notion Ink Adam Finally Receives FCC Clearance

1:15 pm PST • January 16, 2011

I know you’ve heard this before, but it’s finally getting close, the Notion Ink Adam is on its way to the market. After finally getting flight clearance from the FCC,…

With Theopeninter.net, web designer Michael Ciarlo has given you the holiday gift of being able to explain to the less web savvy members of your friends and family what net…

The new Net Neutrality rules put off most of the hard questions—but who does that help and hurt? When government faces a tough decision, it has three options: “Aye,” “Nay,”…

The Art Of "Kicking The Can"—Uncertainty Rules When It Comes To Net Neutrality

We’ve already covered the FCC Net Neutrality vote earlier today, but something new has come to light. Something that’s very odd. Something that’s quite frankly a little terrifying. Engadget dug…

Was It Google And Verizon Or The FCC That Just Screwed Us On Mobile Net Neutrality?

With a 3 to 2 vote earlier today, the FCC has put its stamp of approval on Net Neutrality. The funny thing is that it seems both “sides” of the…

In a 3-2 vote split down party lines the FCC approved the first “enforceable” net neutrality regulations this morning. These rules face opposition from all sides, with some holding that…

Reading Drudge and the Wall Street Journal this morning had me concerned that Julius Genachowski, the FCC chairman, was going to smash my modem into tiny pieces with a +2…

The FCC is magical place where gadgets randomly appear. Like this Technicolor TVA200 Media Touch 2.0. The FCC docs include internal and external photos along with a user manual. But…


Another FCC Bandwidth Auction To Happen In July

8:30 pm PST • December 15, 2010

For people who care, there’s another FCC bandwidth auction coming this July. They’re selling off more of the 700MHz range, which will probably start another bidding war between AT&T and…

Bookeen showed off the Cybook Orizon at CES 2010 and then later came clean with all the details. It’s a 6-inch, multi-touch e-reader that was supposed to hit retailers in…

The FCC has just released its latest report on the sate of broadband in the US of A, and the results are… less than encouraging, and for a number of…

The political paralysis over network neutrality might be a microcosm of the broader political paralysis in America. Last week, after FCC chairman Julius Genachowksi laid out his Title I compromise…

In a characteristically provocative op-ed in last Friday’s Wall Street Journal, Silicon Valley bomb thrower Andy Kessler said “it’s time to close the Federal Communications Commission.” Directly reacting to last…

The FCC continues to push for Net Neutrality, with an actual vote set for later this month. The Commission’s chair, Julius Genachowski, is set to give a speech on the…

A report in the Financial Times suggests that Net Neutrality may, once again, be on the docket. The FCC is looking to have everything wrapped up as early as its…

Well, there she be, boys and girls. It’s the inside of the Boxee Box. Not much to see here besides the slightly chopped heatshink to make room for the trademark…


Asus WX-Lamborghini Mouse Rolls Through FCC

5:30 pm PDT • September 7, 2010

Asus just had a new Lamborghini labeled product get approved by the FCC, for better or worse. The new mouse joins an already varied and colorful line of ill-advised products.…


FCC Reveals Inside Of New iPod Touch

9:00 pm PDT • September 1, 2010

With today’s announcement of the new iPod Touch, you know there are certain people just itching to take a look at the inside, to tear it apart and see what…

Al Franken, the junior senator from Minnesota, wants you to help him save Net Neutrality. Given that Google may or may not be actively plotting to destroy Net Neutrality, it…