
There are too many headlines and articles about bubbles, market crashes, negative interest rates and venture-backed unicorns. Why write one more? Because I believe there is a much more pragmatic…

Will the Bubble Burst? Ask Your Cabbie

Google has at least partially crashed the website today by placing a link to it on the front page of The search giant is commemorating the International Day for…

White Ribbon On Crashes UN Women Website [Update: 1M Uniques By 11 AM ET]

Crashlytics, a crash reporting solution for mobile developers, today announced it has closed $1 million in seed funding in a round led by investment firms Flybridge Capital Partners and Baseline…

Crashlytics, A Crash-Reporting Solution For Mobile Developers, Raises $1 Million

A Coast Guard camera pointed at the Hudson River completes the story of the miracle landing from start to finish. Within seconds of the splashdown, passengers are evacuating and a…

From Flickr Now this is a feel-good story. All 135 people aboard US Airways flight 1549 are safe and sound after a soft water landing and escape into the frigid…

A fellow Minnesotan named Jesper Johansson (I think that name MIGHT by Scandinavian) has a great article about how to fix a problem that seems to be plaguing AMD-based computers…

Now THAT is a delicious looking piece of pie. That’s the size of slice I like when everyone else at the table’s on a diet. “Yeah, you know what?,” I’ll…

Word is that Access is limited for rescuers – the ice gives them limited Windows of opportunity. Let’s hope everything Works out and the passengers are Zune brought to safety.…

Dear Verizon Wireless and former Cingular customers: While we often share your frustrations and feel your pain, two wrongs do not ever make a right. Yes, you suffer from sub-par…