
[photopress:ausxxx.jpg,full,center] Despite the fact that previously attempted ISP-level filtering technology failed, the Australian government will go ahead with a plan to implement such filtering, starting with a trial in Tasmania.…

Sweet. I like that some of the alternative-energy cars coming out have three wheels. This commuter car is called the Trev, for two-seater renewable energy vehicle. It’s designed by people…

In Australia, the land down under where everything is somehow deadly, the latest casualty just might be plasma TVs. As TVs get bigger and brighter, they naturally use more energy.…

What’s wrong with people these days and getting arrested for pirating movies? It’s not that hard. Anyways, a 21-year-old male was arrested in Australia under suspicion that he recorded the…


SMS, She Is Dying

11:48 am PDT • July 27, 2007

Research firm Gartner is predicting that SMS will become obsolete or at the very least become insignificant by 2010. Duh. The report may only apply in Australia, but it isn’t…


3G BlackBerry Heading to Australia

3:30 pm PDT • July 13, 2007

Traveling in a fried-out combie On a hippie trail, head full of zombie I met a strange lady, she made me nervous She took me in and gave me a…


Nicole Kidman Hawking A DS

11:06 pm PDT • June 26, 2007

Spotted on Perez earlier today, Nicole Kidman is indeed doing a Nintendo DS commercial. Not only is she a terrible actress in this commercial, but the whole thing doesn’t even…

Quite the rumor to wakeup to, I’m not sure if I believe this or not. Microsoft Australia of all companies has tipped off a retailer (Myer) that a new version…


Air Guitar T-Shirt: Available In XXXL

11:39 am PST • November 13, 2006

Trashers: you now have something better than Guitar Hero to satisfy you: The Air Guitar T-shirt. Seems those Aussies down under have come up with a shirt bound with sensors…


Korean Air Bans Dell, Apple

7:00 am PDT • September 7, 2006

The Korea Times is reporting that following a similar move by the Aussies at Qantas, Korean Air has banned Dell laptops and Apple Powerbooks and iBooks from its flights. The…