apple tv

I swear sometimes it’s like you people aren’t paying attention. Did you not know that digital media adapters or network media devices have already existed for some time? Could you…

Kudos to iLounge for not automatically hopping aboard the Apple TV hype express. They’ve complied a list of 10 reasons why you might consider holding off on your purchase for…


Seven Minutes in Apple TV Heaven

2:52 pm PDT • March 21, 2007 Clearly someone just learned to turn on the video camera over at Mossberg central. Now if only they could figure out how to turn it off. This 7-minute paean…

The Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg scored the first review of the Apple TV wireless media streaming device and the big conclusion is that it “work[s] great…” for the average…

Several users, including our own John Biggs, are reporting that their Apple TV orders have finally started shipping. The $299 media streaming device, which was first unveiled last summer, should…

Saying that a device like Apple TV is going to overtake huge, pioneering companies like TiVo and Netflix is a pretty bold move. But here at the CG, we like…

Rumors persist that Apple’s Apple TV will ship tomorrow, March 20, and while we’re excited to see what Apple can do to the American living room, there are some of…


Quicktime Update Adds Apple TV Support

9:05 am PDT • March 19, 2007

With the Apple TV finally starting to ship, future owners will gladly welcome the latest update to Quicktime. Buried inside all of Quicktime’s rich features is an an export option…

If and when Apple TV ever comes out, you might want to consider hooking it up to the Miglia TVMax+. Sure, the name is kinda redundant (Max plus? Is max…


AppleTV Shipping (?)

1:15 pm PDT • March 14, 2007

I’ve been hitting the Apple store every few days looking to see when my Apple TV is shipping. However, I never thought to check my credit card statement. A blogger…

site, you may have been disappointed not in the quality of the video, but the playback experience. Apple uses the H.264 codec for all of its HiDef video, as it…

If you’re waiting for Apple TV, it’s looking like your wait might almost (finally) be over. Apple today has released Quicktime 7.1.5 as well as iTunes 7.1, bringing Apple TV…

Waiting for your Apple TV? Yah, me too. The Apple store website has changed the shipping date from late February to mid-March, something disappointing. Reuters confirmed the change of date…

It was Disney exec Bob Iger who dropped the bomb back in September that the Apple TV (then iTV) had a hard drive, something we didn’t expect from a set-top…

Far be it from us to start rampant rumors and speculation, but sometimes we notice something that falls through the cracks and we can’t resist. Greg Canessa, the former general…


Apple TV Goodness

12:07 pm PST • January 30, 2007

As if you weren’t sick to your stomach with all the Vista hoopla going around today. Here’s a quick vid running you through the Apple TV interface. Woohoo…I think. Apple…


Apple TV Gets Spec'd

2:03 pm PST • January 15, 2007

Last week’s launch of the Apple TV was met with some fanfare and a lot speculation. The fanfare came from the usual suspects, while the speculation came from everyplace else.…

Here is the live transcript of CrunchGear’s coverage of the Apple Keynote at MacWorld 2007.


iTV out, Apple TV in

1:49 pm PST • January 9, 2007

At the Apple keynote this morning, Jobs announced a couple of products that could maybe, possibly be of interest to at least one or two people. One of those products…