Anis Uzzaman

Triller, the short video app backed by a Hollywood mogul and music celebrities, is rapidly ballooning in both user size and valuation. It’s now seeking a new funding round of…

Hollywood’s Triller sets its own rhythm even as it gains from TikTok troubles

Fenox Venture Capital has put plans for its India-focused fund on hold after a recently appointed general partner who was hired to lead that fund, Venktesh Shukla, hastily departed the…

Fenox Venture Capital puts India fund on hold after General Partner Venktesh Shukla departs

San Jose-based Fenox Venture Capital is launching a series of pitch competitions called the Startup World Cup, with a $1 million investment prize, in an effort to identify top entrepreneurial talent in…

To drum up deals internationally, Fenox VC launches Startup World Cup with $1 million prize

Fenox Venture Capital is bringing on TiE Global Chairman and the founder of TiE Angels, Venktesh Shukla, as General Partner. For the unfamiliar, TiE is a nonprofit mentoring network for…

TiE Global Chairman Venktesh Shukla Joins Fenox Venture Capital as General Partner