Matt Bencke

Matt Bencke is CEO of Spare5. Previously, he worked at Getty Images, Microsoft and Boeing.

Matt Bencke

The AI field lacks diversity — even more spectacularly than most of our software industry. When an AI practitioner builds a data set on which to train his or her…

A cautionary tale about humans creating biased AI models

Setting the AI record straight (for now)

8:00 am PDT • September 8, 2016

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we interact with our devices, friends and data. It promises to revolutionize how we work, shop, socialize, date, bank, heal, navigate… how we live.…

Setting the AI record straight (for now)

Words are impactful. They may not break your bones, as the saying goes, but they do guide the way we all think, debate, decide and act. When it comes to…

The On-Demand, Sharing And Gig Economies Never Existed, So Stop Pretending They Did

The public discourse about the “on-demand” economy gets a D+. Wherever I turn, whether it’s the Economist, New York Times, TechCrunch, ReCode, Forbes, Washington Post or Business Insider, journalists, politicians…

The ‘Do It When I Want Economy’ Is Here To Stay