Kemal El Moujahid

Kemal El Moujahid is currently a lead product manager for the Messenger team at Facebook, working on AI-powered services such as M and driving the product management of the Messenger platform. Kemal was previously VP of Products at Fuze, a video conferencing and enterprise communications provider and, before that, CEO and co-founder of LiveMinutes, a real-time team collaboration app.

Kemal El Moujahid

Have you ever spent time on hold with an airline, a credit card company, or your insurance provider? Of course you have, I bet you’re still humming the tune from…

What messaging means for the future of customer care

So what exactly is a bot?

9:45 am PDT • March 29, 2017

As we see the ecosystem continue to develop, bots are increasingly showcasing a wide variety of features, from chat to menus to buttons and visual interfaces. Some bots now almost…

So what exactly is a bot?