Hemant Taneja

Hemant Taneja

Featured Article

Is venture capital ready for companies with no founders?

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) — a funding mechanism based on the technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin — are a hot new way to launch a startup, and they’re forcing investors to look at the startup process anew. Venture firms like mine understand that ICOs can reinvent how entrepreneurs bring innovations to life, but no one…

7:30 am PDT • April 4, 2018
Is venture capital ready for companies with no founders?

It is incumbent for us, the technology community, to reach out to the regulators and legislators to help them better understand the wider impact of the things we’re working on.…

The tech industry needs to move towards responsible innovation in 2018

People can disagree about the scientific premise behind climate change, but it’s an inescapable fact that the world is driving ahead to replace carbon energy with clean energy anyway. That makes advanced…

Why pulling out of Paris Accord damages America’s economic future

The need for algorithmic accountability

10:00 am PDT • September 8, 2016

There is a new generation of companies exerting such great influence on society that they’re essentially becoming utilities. Google, Amazon, Facebook and Uber are near monopolies that provide services as…

The need for algorithmic accountability

America’s two major political parties are in the process of being unscaled. They’re being pulled apart and disrupted like so many other industries and institutions today. Pundits blame Donald Trump…

Unscaling politics

Unscaling Energy

6:00 am PST • February 13, 2016

Solving climate change is the biggest opportunity for entrepreneurs in our generation. In fact, the planet’s best hope lies in unleashing startups to unbundle and “unscale” the global energy industry.…

Unscaling Energy

Throughout the history of the power industry, the answer to all of our problems has been to “get bigger”. Due to economies of scale, utilities have concentrated on building larger…

Unscaling The Trillion-Dollar Power Industry

Health care delivery has always been among the top targets for founders seeking to dramatically improve our lives while building great businesses. Yet, with very few exceptions, most founders find…

Unscaling The Healthcare Economy