Ardy Esmaeili


Ardy Esmaeili, CPA, is a startup tax accountant and managing director of tax services at Burkland.

Ardy Esmaeili

While no business is exempt from taxes, it’s critical for startups to understand when they’re liable for tax, and if offering a SaaS solution, how each set of local laws…

What do recent changes to state taxes mean for US SaaS startups?

You don’t want to be doing a great thing for your business — finding the right talent in the right location — and then be hit with a penalty because…

Starting up remotely? Keep these labor laws and tax guidelines in mind

The Research and Development (R&D) tax credit lets businesses deduct R&D expenses up to $250,000 per year from payroll tax, or an unlimited amount against income tax if your startup…

What US startup founders need to know about the R&D tax credit