‘Stranger Things’ hype reaches SNES levels with retro-style demake for iOS

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In case you’ve been living in the upside-down for the last few weeks, the second season of “Stranger Things” is imminent. And you know what that means… media tie-ins! Today at Google’s event we’ve already had AR “stickers,” but iOS gets a much more compelling item: a full-on SNES-style demake of the show.

Made by BonusXP for Netflix, the game looks like the sort of action-adventure we saw plenty of back in the Super Nintendo days. There are apparently spoilers for the first season, but apparently not the second — that comes later.

It’s all free with no in-app purchases (for now), and is clearly a promotional item designed to get you in the mood for season 2. But don’t let that stop you from having fun with a neat little SNES-style game starring your favorite intrepid adolescents. The reviews are even good so far.

Here’s the trailer:

You should also not be stopped by the fact that the show takes places in 1983 and the SNES didn’t come out until like 10 years later. But a D&D campaign based on Stranger Things, while it would be cool (in fact, I’m betting it already exists), probably wouldn’t have the same reach online.

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