Global Learning XPRIZE awards $1 million each to final five teams

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The Global Learning XPRIZE, an international competition to create educational software, has reached its penultimate stage: 5 teams out of an initial pool of nearly 200 have been selected to receive $1 million and compete for the $10 million grand prize.

The problem, of course, isn’t that kids around the world don’t have a good enough app — access to basic resources, teachers and other considerations are the real limitations. But that’s why the competition aims to create software that kids can use to teach themselves, off the grid and with no top-down help.

A panel of independent judges whittled down the numbers, and semi-finalists got a month to shape up and present again; the 5 finalists selected are about to begin field testing. Thousands of tablets provided by Google, charged at solar stations made available for public use, will be the hardware platform. Matt Keller, who is leading the program, has been on the ground in the Tanzanian villages where they plan to perform the testing, identifying potential pain points and getting advice from locals on how to make the program effective.

I’ll let XPRIZE do the describing in the bullet points below, since they’ve actually used and judged them, but each team also has their own video (linked in the name) describing the team and technique employed:

Each was awarded $1 million to fund further development — and of course as a reward for having created an effective piece of software.

Next up is the real test, though: thousands of kids will put the apps through their paces for more than a year. The program that shows the best results will take home the grand prize, a $10 million check.

That probably won’t be until early 2019, but it’s likely we’ll hear from the Global Learning XPRIZE team before then. You can keep up with the latest developments at the competition’s website.

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