Nintendo releases three-part video series about that insanely good Zelda game

Nintendo shared on its YouTube channel three behind-the-scenes videos about Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Many thought the Nintendo Switch had a pretty thin launch lineup with Zelda: Breath of the Wild as the only big production. But anybody around you who owns a Switch will tell you that it’s an amazing game.

When you start playing Zelda, it’s hard to stop. It’s such a compelling universe that I’ve spent more time chasing that one thing at the top of the mountain instead of the main quest.

But the most fascinating aspect is that Nintendo doesn’t try to stop you. Very quickly, you learn a lot of different moves. You can then combine them and find your own solution to beat the toughest enemies.

The game doesn’t punish you for trying and it also doesn’t hold your hand to tell you how you’re supposed to play. It’s filled with a sense of mystery and discovery. That’s why I’ve been curious to see how the game was actually conceived.

So if you need a 30-minute break between two game sessions, here are a bunch of interviews from the development team behind Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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