Ledger Wallet Is One Of The Most Secure Bitcoin Wallets You Can Get

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You can call Ledger Wallet CEO Eric Larchevêque the Winklevoss of France given that he stores around 1,000 bitcoins on his bitcoin wallet — that’s around $450,000 as of today. But it also shows how secure the company’s wallet is. I interviewed him on our stage at CES.

Ledger Wallet’s first product was a sort of USB key that you would unlock using a PIN code. Now what happens if you lose it? Your bitcoins are safe as you need a private key to send these bitcoins. You can even recover your wallet and transfer your bitcoins to a new wallet.

In other words, Ledger Wallet multiplies the number of factors to access your bitcoins, including a physical element. And even if your computer is infected, hackers can’t access your bitcoins as the most important part of the code is executed from the wallet directly.

The company also showcased a new wallet, the Ledger Blue. It has a touch screen, supports USB, Bluetooth and NFC and uses the same kind of mechanisms as the company’s previous wallet.

I also asked Larchevêque what he thought about the current climate around bitcoin. He’s still bullish but things it won’t become as ubiquitous as people previously expected. And he probably means what he says given how many bitcoins he personally owns.

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