Pitch Your Startup In The TC Radio Pitch-Off On Sirius XM

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Tuesdays are special. Besides the fact that my favorite bar has $1 oysters that night, TechCrunch Radio also airs every Tuesday evening at 6pm ET / 3pm PT.

John Biggs and I discuss the latest in tech news for the first half hour and then we dive right into the TechCrunch Radio Pitch-Off. Five companies have exactly 60 seconds to pitch their products to a special guest judge, John Biggs, myself, and our listeners, and after a brief Q&A for each company, we deliberate live to decide on a winner.

It’s fast-paced and fun. You should definitely be a part of it.

If you want to apply to be in the pitch-off, follow the instructions below.

1. You must have a product that is available to general users. No sign-up pages or pre-orders with a TBD ship date. There must be a link we can give to listeners/readers where they can access your product, service, what have you.
2. You must be an early stage company. If you have raised a Series A or later, you are disqualified. Bootstrapped or seed stage startups are welcome.
3. You must be able to pitch your product with your words only.
4. You must be able to operate a telephone.

Apply here.

It’s going to be a hoot!

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