Apple Is Figuring Out How To Sell An Archetype

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Around the time of the iPhone 5’s release, I started thinking of Apple as an archetype factory. By removing extraneous detail and ornamentation, they were trimming down their devices to a definitive essence.

They were making conscious decisions to spend money and man hours to improve technology in invisible, rather than visible, ways. But this decision is a double-edged sword. I wrote this at the time, and I think it still holds up:

…when things become archetypes, they become intrinsically less interesting to people who thrive on dissonance and disruption. That’s why the iPhone 5 got such a converse reaction from the tech press when it was revealed. It’s an exercise in precision and restraint, not a play for our wildest imaginations.

The iPad has undergone a similar transformation with the iPad Air. Which raises an interesting question when it comes to trying to market it.

When something has been refined to its purest form — how do you convince people that you’re capable of improving it? The iPad Air 2 is improved on a variety of metrics from the original, some of those like screen lamination are readily evident if you know what to look for.

So, with its latest ad ‘Change’, which debuts today, Apple is putting the emphasis squarely on what continues to be the defining difference between the iPad and the rest of the market: capable apps that people use. Because the iPad continues to enjoy incredible mind-share with developers — who largely build for what they use and use iOS — Apple can showcase the execution, rather than the setup. While you can tout specifications in ads, the results can be unintentionally hilarious, and largely distant from the way real people think about devices.

Some takeaways from the Change spot:

You can watch the new spot on Apple’s site, when it’s on YouTube we’ll embed it here.

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