Elemoon Wearable Bracelet Wants To Make Alerts More Chic Than Geek

Wearable tech that aims to blend in and look like a fashion accessory is the next obvious step in the trajectory of electronic things designed to cling to the human body. Bottom line: not everyone wants to put something utilitarian looking — or downright ugly — on their person.

Costume jewelry with a chip or two in it is already finding its way onto the market — such as Cuff’s wearable alert devices that conceal a safety system behind so much faux bling. Well here’s another fashion wearable, this time aiming specifically at woman, with the intention of making notifications more ‘chic than geek’.

The elemoon bracelet, whose New York-based makers are currently raising crowdfunds for their prototype via Kickstarter, offers an array of coloured LEDs set within a polymer and copper or stainless steel bracelet.

The light pattern displayed by the wearable can be customised to a user-created design or to match the outfit of the wearer, with a colour matching feature offered in the companion app.

The lights also act as personalised alerts for incoming calls/texts to the wearer’s phone from a particular person — using Bluetooth as the connectivity link betwixt bracelet and phone. Alerts are configured via the iOS or Android apps.

The final feature on offer is a ‘find your phone’ trigger that lets the bracelet wearer rub its touch-sensitive surface to set off an audio alert to locate their Bluetooth-linked device. The logic being you’re more likely to have temporarily misplaced your phone than the bracelet attached to your wrist.

A few early Kickstarter backers were offered the elemoon at $179. It’s now stepped up to a minimum of $199 per bracelet so it’s certainly not cheap for the functionality it offers but then fashion never intends to be.

If all goes to plan on the fundraising and production front, elemoon’s makes are aiming to ship their LED bracelets to backers by next February. At the time of writing they’ve raised just over a third of their $100,000 target with another 43 days left of the funding campaign.

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