Kyle Russell, Sarah Buhr And Ron Miller Join TechCrunch

TechCrunch is incredibly happy to announce three new hires today including Kyle Russell, Sarah Buhr and, somewhat belatedly, our enterprise reporter Ron Miller.

As a Business Insider reporter, Kyle Russell has impressed with his balanced coverage of being hassled for wearing Google Glass. He’s shown a passion for covering companies like Google and Apple, as well as emerging hardware technology companies. He’s also displayed a talent for breaking down big ideas like Microsoft’s key Xbox One cloud computing efforts in a way that makes them interesting and engaging.

Also joining us is University of Utah alum Sarah Buhr, who comes to us by way of NPR, USA Today and, gasp, some work on the dark side in PR.
We’ve enjoyed her coverage of hot button issues like synthetic food, Google Glass, Secret and others for USA Today. She’s also written about unique approaches to San Francisco’s housing crisis and the difficulty foreign founders have had raising money. In her writing, Sarah has been able to translate complex technologies into clear, concise writing for a broader audience, something we’re excited to see her do more of here. 

Lastly, we would like all of you folks pitching us about enterprise companies to know that we’ve got an incredible dedicated writer who understands this stuff hands down. Ron Miller has actually been on at TechCrunch for a few weeks now and is doing fantastic work.

The enterprise isn’t an easy thing to both understand completely and translate in human, understandable ways — and Ron is doing both in spades.

You might have read his recent piece on Microsoft and SAP intertwining themselves more tightly, or perhaps his take on Fred Wilson’s comments about the ‘top companies’ in 2020. His breakdown of the industry forces compressing enterprise companies into new shapes and forms is a must-read. We’ve been enjoying Ron’s work here so far and we’re sure you have too.

Look out for our new writers over the coming weeks, and if you see them, say hi, whether it’s in our comments section or Twitter or real life.

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