Twitter Suspends Anonymous Account For Vigilantism, Breaking TOS For Releasing Westboro Church Info [Updated]

Update: That was fast: the main account is now back.

Twitter has just taken aggressive action against one of the most powerful hacking groups on the Internet. Anonymous’s main Twitter account was suspended for publishing people’s “private information,” most likely a reference to the recent hacking and release of Westboro Baptists Church’s personal information. While Twitter would probably rather not irk an influential hacker contingent, nor defend the practices of a radical religious organization planning to picket Newtown’s funeral with offensive signs, Anonymous’s practice of “hacktivism” is a clear violation of the social network’s Terms of Service.

Anonymous doesn’t appear to reading a counter against Twitter, saying they plan to “move on.”

Though, they clearly aren’t happy about it:

This is a developing story and we will keep readers updated.

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