Please Welcome Natasha Lomas And Darrell Etherington (And Drew Olanoff) To TechCrunch

At TechCrunch, we have a long and illustrious track record when it comes to hiring the absolute best-of-the-best in technology journalism.

Like many, I remember the day vividly when we hired MG Siegler, and the rest, as they say…is blogging history. Since that day in 2009, the TechCrunch team has changed dramatically, all for the best.

Today, on behalf of the TechCrunch team (which I am now a part of!), I’d like to welcome our two newest writers: Natasha Lomas and Darrell Etherington.

Natasha joins the family by way of CNET UK, covering smartphones from her comfy digs in beautiful London. She covered business technology for (now a part of for over five years.

Having studied English at Cambridge University, and also holding an MA from Goldsmiths College, University of London, I am hoping to pick some grammatical skills from her.

With a keen eye for mobile, wireless, telecom and IT news, Natasha is a killer addition to TechCrunch.

Darrell has been on the tech scene covering news for five years, focusing heavily on Apple and a handful of awesome startups in Toronto. He comes to us by way of BetaKit, and previously GigaOM.

Here’s a snippet about Darrell from a potentially self-written bio:

“He’s got so many Macs that his Macs have Macs. After studying English literature and creative writing in school, he never imagined he’d end up writing about tech for a living, but it’s definitely been a welcome plot twist.”

I’m excited, and you should be, too. Please join me in welcoming Natasha and Darrell to TechCrunch.

P.S. I’ve also joined TechCrunch as Community Director, and I’ll also be writing about things that interest me.  Here’s a bit about me:

Most recently, I was West Coast Editor for The Next Web, and I have been fortunate to work on stories both mainstream as well as online. Bridging that gap is my passion.  I’m pretty stoked to do that for TechCrunch now.

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