Build A Beautiful Data Dashboard With Leftronic

Y Combinator-backed Leftronic is launching a new service allowing companies to create custom dashboards that visualize all of your company’s important data.

With Leftronic, you can pull data from a number of services, including Google Analytics, Twitter, Chartbeat, Mixpanel, and Zendesk, and then customize the layout with a drag-and-drop interface. These dashboards are designed for large screens, so companies can set up a display that’s visible to everyone in the office — that way, everyone knows when traffic spikes, or when the website goes down, or whatever. For example, there’s a Leftronic display in Y Combinator headquarters with stats from YC’s Hacker News website.

The company was actually part of the incubator’s Summer 2010 class — in fact, I wrote that it was one of my favorite companies I saw at that demo day. Co-founder and CEO Lionel Jingles tells me that the model has changed since then, and the company is taking the private beta label off the new service today.

Originally, the company worked directly with its customers to help them build their “dream dashboard.” Now it has a self-serve model, where companies can create the dashboards for themselves, allowing Leftronic to lower its prices considerably. There’s a free version that lets companies to create a dashboard with their own custom data. After that, pricing starts at $49 per month. Customers include research firm SRI International and shopping site Wiggle.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go convince someone to set up a Chartbeat dashboard in the TechCrunch office.

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