100Proof App Shows How Getting Drunk Is Killing (Or Saving) You

6 drinks for an 160-pound, 30-year-old male? That’ll take 2 days off your lifespan. Just in time for SXSW, 100Proof is a mobile web app from healthtech startup 100Plus that calculates how your drinking shortens or even lengthens your lifespan. Cute graphics shows you how much sex or time boxing a kangaroo you’d have to spend to work off those calories.

Founder Chris Hogg tells me 100Proof delivers the serious message of being mindful of your habits but with a fun tone, and that it previews some of the functionality the full 100Plus app will offer when it launches. He also shared with me some real-time data from the app like that 50-somethings are drunker than those in their 40s, and that Android users drink more than those on iPhones.

100Proof just takes a minute to try from a mobile browser or the web and could make you think twice the next time you reach for another drink. Punch in what you drank last night and some biographical information, and you’ll see how you stack up against Americans and SXSW-goers, as well as the impact on your lifespan. While it’s designed for those pounding free drinks at SXSW, anyone can use it.

The app was designed by Chris York and built in 3 weeks on HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery Mobile by the 100Plus team. The startup has brought in $1.25 million in funding from Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, Reid Hoffman, and other top-tier investors and is incubating at Practice Fusion. 100Proof was a break from work on their namesake app that will show how eating cheesecake, running 2 miles, and other factors make you live longer or shorter.

Hogg tells me he’s not afraid to preview the app because “any person that would steal the idea and was capable of it already has their own idea they’re working on.” Maybe he hasn’t heard of the Samwer brothers.

My favorite thing about 100Proof? It kind of validates my lifestyle. Based on CDC data and other studies, 100Proof shows that binge drinking is bad but 1 drink a night will boost your life by 2 hours and a sober night will actually make you die 35 hours sooner. Cheers to that.

Check out the 100Proof real-time infographic to see just how wasted people are at SXSW and other fun facts. 

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