PowerReviews Attempts To Make Reviews More Social

PowerReviews, a company that provides customer review technology for retailers and e-commerce sites, is debuting a new suite of tools that helps companies promote, reward and measure customer engagement and review generation.

PowerReviews, which launched in 2007, provides retailers and brands with the ability to collect, organize and analyze comments and other user-generated content. PowerReviews 5,500 customers include Staples, REI, ESPN, Callaway and Jockey.

Basically, PowerReviews is allowing brands to help reward users for creating reviews, as well as encourage users to share and post reviews on Facebook and other social sites. So with the new suite of tools, a brand could reward a review creator on a site for posting content. Brands could also reward users for sharing content or reviews on Facebook. Another key feature is the ability to subscribe to reviews.

PowerReviews is also trying to help brands determine what content creates high conversions, increased social traffic and more. These analytics, which help answer questions like “Which type of shared content creates the most organic traffic?” and “Which type of engagement is most likely to drive a conversion?” are also included.

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