WooMe Acquired By Zoosk In Apparent Firesale

Social dating company Zoosk has acquired Woo Media, the company behind sites like WooMe.com, Shufflepeople.com and Monsterchat.com, for an undisclosed sum.

You may remember WooMe from when I called the company, which was a finalist in our TechCrunch40 conference, out as lowly scammers (I signed up as a horse and turned out to be phenomenally popular among young super models).

Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, but all signs point to a firesale. WooMe claims 10 million users, but having experienced first-hand how they lure in non-suspecting ‘members’ I can’t imagine even a small percentage of them being active on the site. The site was also abruptly shut down, apparently. According to a press statement, all Woo Media properties will be ‘merged into Zoosk’.

Woo Media was founded in 2007 and launched WooMe.com, at the inaugural TechCrunch40 event.

The company was backed by Atomico (founded by Skype founders Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis), Index Ventures, Mangrove Capital Partners, Klaus Hommels and Oliver Jung.

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