Khosla Ventures-Backed Lets You Clip, Save And Share Collections Of Content On The Web, a startup that lets you create and share collections of content on the web, has raised a round of funding from Khosla Ventures, True Ventures, Charles River Ventures, and SV Angel. While the service is still in private beta, TechCrunch readers can use the invite code ‘techcrunch_500’ here to use lets you create collections of content and opinions (called “snips”) and share them with anyone or everyone. allows you to pull the content that matters to you in one place, add your voice to it, and discover interesting content from like-minded people. It’s sort of like bookmarking meets content collection meets self-expression meets discovery. The startup allows you to collect content from around the web, personalizing it with one’s voice, and also discovering content.

Via a Bookmarklet, you can snip content easily from any site, and it will be imported into your collections. You can then organize your snips and publish them or share them privately. And you can editorialize your collections with descriptions and commentary.

In terms of sharing and discovery, you can share your collections to Facebook via a link. On, youc an subscribe to certain topics (i.e. U.S. Politics, technology), to discover additional collections.

SnipIt is the brainchild of former TellMe engineer Ramy Adeeb, who also was a principal at Khosla Ventures. Adeeb tells me that he founded the startup shortly following the Egyptian protests (Adeeb is from Egypt) that took place earlier this year. He was seeing reports on Twitter and Facebook but there wasn’t the ability to curate and share all this content in one place and add opinion as well.

He set out to create what he calls a “scrap book of all things important to me,” and SnipIt was born. So far in private beta, he says results have been positive. Amongst a group of a few hundred users, 10,000 clips have been shared.

Similar to Pinterest, is providing a way to curate content in a social and discoverable way. And makes it relatively easy to clip the content on the web while you are browsing and import it to your content.

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