The Disrupt Hackathon Is Powering Up!

It’s nearly noon and the Disrupt Hackaton Hackers are converging on the Design Center Concourse like zombies hunting only one thing: caffeine. We’ll bring you posts from the floor as the festivities start but we thought it would be nice to see the building in its pristine state before countless cups of coffee, pizza rinds, and soda pop cans litter the landscape like the detritus from some wild-eyed steampunk-inspired Woodstockian bacchanal.

We’ve got volunteers, editors, writers, and other various staff members plugging, pulling, and untangling in preparation for a day of hardcore hackery. Here are a few choice shots from the show floor as we set up and, most important, we just discovered three old arcade games in a hidden hallway including the ever-popular Star Wars: The Arcade Game.

We’ll have updates throughout the night.

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