At Last You Can Fabricate Your Minecraft Creations

I’m not one of these guys who creates functioning computers or scale models of the Vatican in Minecraft, but occasionally I’ll put together a sweet little tower and house that could just possibly be worth saving. Unfortunately, I can’t take these little structures into the real world! At least, I couldn’t before now.

Some students at MIT’s Media Lab have put together a tool called Minecraft.Print() that lets you directly output an area of your Minecraft world to a 3D printer. They tested it on (what else) the Companion Cube seen above, but you could just as easily print out your main base, landscape and all.

It’s really just a tool that makes the Minecraft 3D data into a standard printable format, but I like that it uses in-game tools (blocks) to mark off the territory to be printed, and hey, Minecraft + 3D printing = post.

[via Hack a Day]

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