iPhone 4, App Store Get A Bevy Of Records In The Guinness Book

We’ve learned some pretty amazing (and incredibly arbitrary) things from the Guinness Book of World Records. Did you know that the record for most people dressed as Smurfs was set on July 18, 2008 by 1,253 attendants of Ireland’s Muckno Mania Festival? Now you do. Or did you know that Jean-Francois Vernetti of Switzerland set the record for the largest “Do Not Disturb” door-hanger collection with 8,888 hangers (way to go, Jean-Francois!)? Bam, another brain wrinkle!

Joining the Muckno Mania festival and Jean-Francois in the big book today: the Apple iPhone 4, and Apple’s App Store.

The deadly duo that is iPhone 4/App Store walked away with not two, not three, but four records under its collective belt. The titles it claimed:

Throwing the iPhone and the App Store in amongst the likes of the DS and the PSP seems almost.. cheap. It’s plenty reasonable to stretch the definition of “game portable” to include the iPhone and iPad — it can, after all, provide a gaming experience very much on par with anything else out there. To directly compare the number of “launch” games or otherwise compare quantities, however, is to pit apples against oranges — as much as we love mobile games around these parts, we’re not going to pretend that the majority of games on iOS are of the same caliber or complexity as most of the stuff on DS or PSP.

[via IntoMobile]

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