Google Adds App Suggestions To The Browser-Based Android Market

Google has updated the web portal for Android Market with app suggestions, which are generated based on others’ downloads. Basically, every time you install an app, the Android Market will offer up a few applications that other people (who’ve downloaded the application you just installed) have also chosen.

This update came in just this week, but was almost entirely overshadowed by all the other news coming out of Google’s I/O conference.

While the App Market has always listed “Related” apps, those lists are loosely generated based on categories and keywords. This new system should make app suggestions a bit more relevant, as the suggestions come from the download habits of real people as opposed to random guesswork by a computer. For now, the suggested apps feature is only available in the web-based version of the Android Market, but I’d bet Google will roll it into Android tablets and smartphones before too long.

[via TNW]

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