Postagram Transforms Any Instagram Into A Postcard And Delivers It For $0.99

In the digital world we live in, there’s still something nice about postcards. They’re tangible, yet cheap. They’re meaningful, yet simple. But like most physical mail, they’re dying. Before that happens, Postagram has a digital spin on them.

The service, launching today, allows you to take any picture you’ve captured on the hot photo-sharing service Instagram and send it in postcard form for a mere $0.99. Yeah, I’m going to use this all the time.

Screw the canned picture of the Eiffel Tower or a Hawaiian sunset, sending your own Instagrams in postcard form is at least 1,000 times better. And co-founder Matt Brezina knows it. He anticipates people not only sending Postagrams to loved ones and friends, but to themselves as well as cheap keepsakes.

And the key to all of this is mobile. Postagram is an app that allows you to look at your Instagrams (via their API) while on the go and quickly send them to anyone you want to from your iPhone. All you need is a recipient’s name and address (these are remembered after they’re entered once) and a credit card (also remembered after one entry).

(There is also a web app that all of this can be done through as well.)

Along with the Instagram photo, cards can include a personalized 140-character message. After that, with a few clicks in the app, your card is off. The recipient should get it in 2 to 5 business days (or slightly longer for overseas cards).

And the coolest part is that the cards are made in such a way so that the square Instagram picture can easily pop-out and be a stand-alone picture if you don’t want to keep the whole larger card.

“A printed photo is the most ubiquitously liked gift in the world,” Brezina says. “The mobile phone being the new camera starts to make this a lot easier,” he continues.

Brezina notes that the excitement surrounding the iPhone 4 and its camera around the time he was leaving Xobni (a company which he co-founded) last year made a project like this an obvious choice. Despite many players now in the photo space, and a number in the mobile photo space, “no one has done this really well,” he says.

He also says that Postagram is just the first taste of what his new company, Sincerely, has planned. But he and co-founder Brian Kennedy (also former Xobni) are definitely focusing on pictures. “The biggest photo service are the photos that are already on your phone,” he says.

As a special for the launch of Postagram, every user that signs up in the first 24 hours will get one free Postagram to send.

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