iOS 5 Likely Pushed To The Fall After A Cloud Unveiling At WWDC

Many people (including myself) were a bit disappointed that Apple didn’t devote any time during the iPad 2 unveiling to talking about iOS 5, the next major revamp of the software. But there may be a very good reason for that: it’s not coming anytime soon. In fact, the plan right now is to wait to launch iOS 5 until the fall, we’ve heard from two solid sources.

If our sources are right, this would break the pattern of Apple unveiling the latest iOS iteration in the early spring, leading up to a summer launch alongside new iPhone hardware. The spring timetable usually reserved for an iOS roadmap event is why some were hoping Apple may just rope the details into the iPad 2 event. When that didn’t happen, rumors quickly spread that there may be another event in April to talk iOS 5 (and MobileMe). But it’s looking like that will not be the case this year.

But it’s not all bad news. Here’s what we’re hearing right now:

So the next obvious question is where does this leave the iPhone 5? Again, the standard model for Apple has been to release a new iPhone alongside the new iOS version. We haven’t heard anything specifically about the iPhone with this news, but I would guess that it’s still on track for a WWDC unveiling and release shortly thereafter.

Update: Strike that on the iPhone 5. Jim Dalrymple is hearing WWDC will be a software-only and will not include an unveiling of new hardware. We’ve just heard the same thing as well. This morning, Apple formally unveiled the dates of WWDC and the release also points to software being the key. I suspect an iPhone 5 will have to wait until the fall as well, which will keep the hardware and software in line.

That’s all for now, more to come in the coming weeks, I’m sure.

[photo: flickr/vsz]

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