Valve Thinks They Should Make The Half-Life Movie

In a recent interview with PC Gamer, Valve’s own Gabe Newell took some time to talk about the possibility of a Half-Life movie. Apparently after the smash success of the first game, they were inundated with crappy scripts, and directors who didn’t get what the game was about. As a result, Valve started thinking about how they would make a movie. The result is the ever amusing “Meet the Spy” features that Valve has produced at various times. Newell went on to say that the best people to make a movie about a game, would be the people that made that game. I agree to a certain extent, but keep in mind that scripting skills in a game doesn’t necessarily equal scripting skills for a movie. I have to admit though, I love the storyline in Half-Life series, and would love to see more about the adventures of my brother.

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