MEETorDIE Quantifies The Cost Of Wasteful Meetings

Company meetings are a nearly universally hated thing. No matter what line of work you’re in, most are simply a waste of time. And even when they’re important and necessary, they’re still likely inefficient. A new startup aims to show you just how wasteful they are.

MEETorDIE is an online tool that asks you to put in information about your meeting, including what company you work for, what industry you’re in, how big the company is, how long the meeting is, and who is attending. When you submit that information, you’re taken to a page that shows how much money your company wasted with that meeting. Below that, you can see the aggregate statistics for how much money your company has wasted on meetings total.

Depending on how wasteful your meeting is, MEETorDIE’s mascot, Goolah, will be shown in different precarious situations incorporating imagery from other popular startups, such as Foursquare and Twitter. More importantly, MEETorDIE suggests how the money being wasted during these meetings might be better spent, such as donating money for drinking water for Africa.

On the main page of the site you can also see other people around the world bitching about their meeting. And anyone can comment anonymously on these meeting notes.

MEETorDIE calculates the amount of money being wasted by pulling information from a number of online resources including the Department of Labor. If your company is in their database, they can also pull the average salaries for the people in the meeting to give you an accurate estimate on how much money your company is wasting.

MEETorDIE is the first project by the Mountain View-based bootstrapped startup Vaporware Labs. The company was started by former EA and Apple employees.

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