Break free from the corporate Snuggie stranglehold by sewing your own

Are we still expected, in the year 2010, to pay $20 plus $8 shipping for a Snuggie? And another $8 shipping for a second bonus Snuggie? NO! Show the fat cats at the Snuggie conglomerate that you’re onto their little ruse. Take a big piece of fabric – any fabric you want! — cut some arm holes, and sew some arms onto the arm holes.

That sounds far more complicated than the sewing I’m used to (which mostly involves a stapler or nail gun) but a pleasant-looking lady over at Instructables has finally cracked the Snuggie code. What’s more, she’s been kind enough to share the secret with the world.

Advantages to making your own Snuggie:

Make Your Own Snuggie [Instructables]

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