BBVA Open Talent – 7 days left to submit your startup for a chance to win €100k

[Spain] BBVA, Spain’s second largest bank, is offering the chance for three startups to win up to 100,000 euros in funding. And unlike last year, its Open Talent competition is accepting international entries. The project that receives the most “community votes” will also get to travel and take part in an entrepreneur event in the US. That said, the deadline for entries is just 7 days away  – December 15th – so interested companies will need to get their applications in quickly.

BBVA is one of the few Spanish banks, along with CAN (Caja Navarra), that foster innovation and support startups in the online and tech space. To qualify for BBVA Open Talent, startups must be fully functional and fall under one of the following categories: payment methods, management tools for SMBs, cloud computing, internet or mobile financial applications, financial services for social networks and other digital business models – see the full guidelines and requirements.

Out of the 375 startups that entered last year, the overall winner was Pidecita, a Spanish startup that provides a platform for businesses to accept and manage appointments online.

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