Yes, Virginia, the Internet is for porn

I’m sure you’ve heard that song from that play called “The Internet is for Porn.” Turns out, it is! Researchers from the University of Montreal were trying to determine to habits of men in their 20s vis-à-vis pornography, but they ran into a problem: they couldn’t find enough men who said they didn’t watch porn! Men are dogs, et cetera et cetera.

So what were the results, seeing as though they couldn’t find anyone who didn’t watch porn?

• Single men watched an average of 40 minutes of porn three times per week

• Non-single men watched porn a little bit less, 20 minutes and 1.7 times per week

• Men have “conventional” sexual habits, whatever that means

• Porn hasn’t changed men’s perception of women

And there you have it: men watch a lot of porn, presumably all of it online. It’s just so easy nowadays. You could be looking up the history of the automobile then wind up on some streaming site watching What Moves You. Or maybe you’re trying to find benchmarks of a certain video card, and before you know it you’re knee-deep in something.


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