TweetPhoto CEO Says Too Much In Interview, Gets Fired. And That's Just The Beginning…

This story just screams amateur hour, although I can’t figure out exactly who’s the amateur. Maybe everyone. A CEO says too much in an interview and gets fired. Lawyers go after the blogger to get content removed. And a partner is pissed off. Not bad for a day’s work.

It involves TweetPhoto, a service we’ve been writing about since last April. The company has had their rite-of-passage fight with Apple over an iPhone app, and they’ve done a deal with Kodak that got them some additional press. But until now, no serious drama.

TweetPhoto (now former) CEO Dan Caulfield did a 23 minute podcast interview with Frank Peters earlier this month. He apparently said too much in the interview, disclosing confidential information about partnerships. He was fired by the company for the transgression.

That’s enough drama to make me want to listen to the podcast. But it gets better. The company also had its lawyers fire off a letter from its law firm to Frank Peters, demanding that he remove the podcast.

Just to be clear, a company is threatening legal action against a blogger for posting an on the record sound recording of the company’s CEO.

“The interview posted on your website contains numerous factual inaccuracies and disparaging statements from Mr. Caulfield that TweetPhoto is concerned were made in an effort to harm the economic prospects of TweetPhoto and may constitute a violation of the laws prohibiting unfair competition, defamation, as well as tortious interference with contractual relations and prospective economic advantage,” the letter says.

Peters posted the letter and took the link to the podcast down. But it’s still up on iTunes here. And if it gets removed, I’ll upload it to our servers.

I’ve listened to the entire podcast, and there’s not much said that I’d call interesting. A couple of comments about their monetization strategy. And a few sentences on their deal with Kodak. But overall, snoozy stuff. Of course, now that the lawyers are making threats, everyone will listen to it.

And of course it goes without saying that its absolutely absurd that the company is threatening Peters. As I said before, this was an on the record conversation with the CEO of the company. It’s an audio file, so they can’t claim a misquote or any other nonsense.

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