EA Mobile nearly doubles its games catalog on BlackBerry App World

Last Friday (sorry for the delay, we like to spend some time out of our caves as much as the next mobile-obsessed guy) EA Mobile announced the availability of eight major gaming franchises on BlackBerry App World.

The newly added “global blockbusters” include Bejeweled, Need for Speed Undercover, RISK, SCRABBLE (in the US and Canada only), Tetris, Tetris Mania, The Sims 3, and Tiger Woods PGA TOUR. This is fantastic news if you happen to own a BlackBerry AND enjoy gaming on your heretofore no-nonsense business device.

Don’t get me wrong. Some of these titles, such as Tetris, RISK, and SCRABBLE are all perfectly suited for the BB platform. They require little in terms of graphics and are perfect time wasters maximizers. On the other hand, it’s not clear how effective something like The Sims can really be on such a small screen. I mean, The Sims is a questionable “game” to begin with (some would say), but when you start trying to create civilizations and manage inter-personal digital simulations on a BlackBerry, it seems as though a lot of the experience may get lost in shrinklation.

But, I digress. With a ton of developers putting all of their weight behind the iPhone and Android app stores, it’s nice to see some of the big guns porting their libraries over to the relatively nascent BlackBerry App World. (EA Mobile’s complete library of BlackBerry App World games ranges from $4.99 to $6.99, and can be found here.) So next time you see someone cursing their BB, odds are that they didn’t just blow a big deal, but that they just lost to Tiger on the 18th hole.

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