Following The Incident, 301works Is Ready To Insure Shortened URLs

Perhaps you’ve been following the fiasco. If not, basically the URL shortening service shut down and said all its links would cease to work by the end of the year, dealing a severe blow to users of any URL shortening service. has since recanted its decision (if only to make it easier to sell), but the problem is still a very real one: What happens if your favorite URL-shortener just shuts down? 301works hopes to solve that.

Perhaps you heard about 301works in one of our recent pieces about how was attempting to salvage the wreckage. The idea was the 301works would be a centralized hub for all shortened URLs, not run by any one URL-shortener. balked at the idea of joining, but plenty of others are, including,, Adjix, betaworks, Cligs, and URLizer. All of them are teaming up with Gnip to launch this project.

One of the holdups in’s participation was that it didn’t want one company ruling all of this data. And while Gnip will be handling it at first, to get the project off the ground, the plan is still to find a non-profit group to manage 301works. All the members are clear that they want this to be an open-source project that sets users’ minds at ease about using URL-shorteners.

The service will launch sometime in the next few weeks, after the participating companies have a chance to tell their users that they will be backing up their links on 301works. While most are unlikely to have a problem with that, some might, so they’re giving them some time to opt-out.

So how will 301works actually work? Well here are the key points for how companies will be able to back up their links:

All of this sounds great on paper, but the question of just how well this system works remains to be seen. Still, it’s promising that we’re seeing a bunch of companies take action on this so quickly after an incident that left a lot of people concerned about the future of URL-shorteners.

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