When you want to care enough to send the best, but forget

I mailed a birthday card out yesterday to a family member who’s birthday was, in fact, last week. I’m such a bad relation. I had the decency to include a check and a witty comment, but I know it’s going to be too little, too late. If only I could go back in time to yesterday, knowing what I know today. See, I just found out about cake in a jar! Boy howdy, would the lateness of my gift be forgiven and forgotten when they opened up that box to find a delicious, moist cake in a jar waiting for them!

Since these cakes last for up to six months, you can prepare a whole slew of them ahead of time, and then parcel them out as you forget birthdays! And, bonus!, if you get the munchies between birthdays you can simply take one down from your special cake-in-waiting shelf and devour it. Just remember to make another batch before they’re all gone.

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