Hitachi presents biometric-based vending machine

It’s no secret the Japanese have a penchant for vending machines (even though there are – contrary to popular belief – no machines selling panties in this country). Now Hitachi made one step forward by developing a machine that doesn’t need to be fed with coins or bills anymore. Your finger will be enough.

Hitachi combined its proprietary finger vein biometric authentication system with a conventional vending machine, which makes it possible for registered users to buy beverages via their credit cards. The company also incorporated a digital signage system so that buyers will get to see personalized ads or other information on an LCD screen.

Hitachi is unsure whether the prototype it developed will ever be commercialized. Hitachi personnel, however, will have the chance to try the new vending machine out inside selected company buildings by the end of this year.

Via MSN News [JP]

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