Get Ready For Animoto Video…And Animoto 3D

Animoto is turning into a cult favorite web app – upload a few pictures to the service, pick some music, add some text and get a really cool video slide show back. They made my annual “can’t live without” list last year based on their obsessive desire to perfect a single product. Many, many users agree.

Last month they announced a new round of financing and turned cash flow positive. Users are flocking to their iPhone application that lets you create slide shows from events even before you get back to your computer. And soon, CEO Brad Jefferson tells me, they will let users upload video clips as well as photos to make their slide shows.

They actually showed the feature last month in a promotional video for the Webbies, which shows photos as well as short video clips.

The feature is near-ready to launch to users, Jefferson told me last week. I was on a Southwest flight with him and Wired editor Fred Vogelstein (see his recent Facebook article and a 2007 article on TechCrunch) on the way back from an event in Seattle. Jefferson showed me some of the Animoto clips with video, and even showed off a 3D product they are working on. I took the video above when we landed at Oakland airport, much to the amusement of a few late night passengers hanging out near us. Make sure you watch to the end – Vogelstein is hilarious with the 3D glasses on.

Here’s what’s great about Animoto – these clips take just a few seconds to create. Animoto does all the hard work for you. And the demo videos show clips with mixed images and short video clips put together into a seamless product. You will actually be able to create these right from an iPhone using the app, the camera and the new video functionality, and then share them with your friends and family.

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