Microsoft Hohm available today

Microsoft’s new tool – Hohm – is supposed to help you save energy and money. While I signed up for the beta unfortunately I can’t try this odd named thing since I live in Europe. This is why I need your feedback on how Hohm works out for you,  so be kind and leave comments with your opinions. Or don’t.

Microsoft® is delighted to announce the availability of Microsoft® Hohm. You are invited to sign up for Hohm and learn how you can start saving energy!

Microsoft Hohm is a free online beta application that helps you save energy and money. With Microsoft Hohm you can better understand your home energy usage, get recommendations to conserve energy and start saving. As with any recommendation engine, Hohm will provide increasingly more accurate and relevant suggestions for energy conservation as its users contribute home energy input and feedback. One of the objectives during our beta period is to refine our tool and further increase the value our product can offer to you. We hope you will help us!

Sign up and start saving now. It’s free:

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