Zune 30 upgrade plan keeps old Zunatics in the Zuneosphere

Ain’t nothing wrong with Zunes, but you could be forgiven for a few covetous glances at your friend’s iPod Touch or Samsung P3. Touchscreen, widgets, apps… sure, they’re tempting, but they’re also expensive, space-limited and the music playing functionality isn’t any better. But Microsoft understands why you might be considering cheating on them with another media player when your Zune 30 croaks or runs out of warranty.

So they’re offering you a deal: trade in your aging Zune 30 and get a significant price break on new Zunes. Sounds good, but what if they’re just trying to offload inventory before the ZuneHD comes out?

We’ll know when the plan is actually launched in June. The nitty gritty cash breakdown is this: trade in your Zune 30 and get $70 off a Zune 120, 80, or 16GB, $40 off an 8GB, or $30 off a 4GB. Zune 80 for $160? That’s a sweet deal. We’ll update you when it all goes live.

[via Zune Scene]

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