Dust-Aid bundle keeps your DSLR's guts clean

These tools from Dust-Aid look pretty handy. Lots of people are moving to DSLRs and may not know that they have to be taken care of in this respect. These would be great stocking stuffers (belated) or just general gifts for anyone who’s recently taken the DSLR road.

There are three new tools: a swab, a puffer, and a shield. The swab is a super-soft little wiper that lights up so you can see what you’re doing. Its not just a Q-Tip. The “Dust-Jet” is kind of a glorified bellows, useful for getting little hairs off your lens or sensor. This one comes with an optional filter, in case you’re worried you’ll just be blowing dust onto the sensor.

Last is the “Dust-Shield.” I have to say I’m skeptical about this one — it’s a thin layer of polymer that you place over the opening to the mirror chamber. I’d like to believe that it doesn’t affect optical quality, but it’s just too much of a leap of faith. They claim it has no effect optically, and have testimonials to that effect, but I’ll try it myself and give you guys the skinny as soon as I can.

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