Are you a charity? Kick the Worldeka tyres with an invite code to the beta

Worldeka, a startup “social network for change”, allows charities to connect with activists and crowdsource their aims. Apparently meaning “one-world” in Sanskrit – who knew? – Worldeka is basically a targeted social network for charities, NGOs, activists and policy makers.

If that sounds a little like fellow UK startup UnLtdWorld or Zurich’s Amazee then you’d be forgiven, although the emphasis here is less on individuals so much as charities connecting together to work on shared projects.

This idea comes into its own on tactical campaigns and especially disasters when there is usually more than one charity involved and co-ordination becomes a potential nightmare. So event organisation and emergency relief is a focus.

The issue is whether the charities will sign up – and whether there is a viable business model. However, given their aims and target audience I would expect they not aiming for Bebo-style exit here… And I gather Amnesty International has already signed up to try it out.

For now you can kick the tyres yourself and see inside the site with this invite code for TechCrunch readers. Just plug TC8282 into the site when you register.

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